EDV-Hardware, Elektrotech., Büromasch.

Epson Europe Electronics GmbH als Arbeitgeber

Riesstraße 15, 80992 München

Epson Europe Electronics GmbH is a marketing, engineering and sales company and the European Headquarters for Electronic Devices of the Seiko Epson Corporation, Japan.


We provide value added services for semiconductors and quartz timing devices and sensors targeted to the mobile communication, automotive, networking, medical, factory automation and home visual market. Epson products are recognized for high precision, high quality, energy saving, low power, small form factors and rapid time to market.


Headquartered in Munich/Germany, Epson Europe Electronics GmbH has a sales representative in the United Kingdom and our products can also be bought through a European-wide network of distributors.

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Weitere Kontakte

  • Herr Raimund Mayer
    Manager Personal Affairs
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